23 April 2019

In the last article, we talked to you in-depth about the tax deductions for 2019 for home renovations; in this one - as promised - we talk about a new opportunity made available for a little over a year and that few people know about: the transfer to third parties of the credits resulting from the Irpef and Ires deductions.


In practice, since 2018, it is possible to sell the tax credit to banks and companies, arriving to spend even 75% less than the initial investment (the recharge share of the operation varies from entity to entity): this action applies to both condominium works and works of individual private properties.


This sale of the credit concerns all the Irpef and Ires deductions deriving from


  • all interventions, facilitated to 50-65-70-75%, on the energy-saving "qualified" (on individual property units or common parts of condominiums) for the inability to pay, with the possible sale also to banks;
  • all the interventions, facilitated to 50-65-70-75%, on the energy-saving "qualified" (on single building units or common parts of condominiums) for all taxpayers (even not incapable), without the possibility of transfer to banks;
  • anti-seismic interventions on common parts, facilitated at 75% (reduction of one class of risk) or 85% (reduction of two classes of risk), for all taxpayers (even if not incapable), without the possibility of transfer to banks;
  • the purchase, facilitated to 75% (reduction of a class of risk) or 85% (reduction of two classes of risk), of real estate units, on which, after the demolition and the reconstruction of the entire building, the enterprise has carried out anti-seismic interventions, for all the taxpayers (also not incapable), without the possibility of cession to the banks.


In practice, what does the transfer of credit consist of?


Invalid taxpayers, for all the interventions on "qualified" energy-saving and anti-seismic measures indicated above, can transfer the Irpef and/or Ires tax credit of 50-65-70-75-85%, to suppliers, to "other private subjects" (i.e. natural persons or subjects carrying out self-employment or business activities, also in an associated form) or to credit institutions and financial intermediaries.


Instead, the generality of taxpayers (also not incapable) who benefit from the following bonuses: 1.all interventions on qualified energy-saving; 2.anti-seismic measures, made on common parts of condominiums, with a reduction of 1 or 2 classes of risk, deductible at 75% or 85%; 3.the purchase of real estate units, subject to anti-seismic measures, from construction or renovation companies, through demolition and reconstruction, with a reduction of 1 or 2 classes of risk, deductible at 75% or 85%;


 may transfer the aforementioned tax credits, not to banks, but suppliers or "other private parties", only if linked to the relationship that gave rise to the deduction, e.g:


  • to another holder of the deductions due for the same interventions;
  • to companies belonging to the same corporate group as the supplier;
  • to the consortium or network, or other consortium members or network members, if work is carried out "by a company belonging" to the consortium or network of companies;
  • to the company taking part in a temporary business association (ATI), in which there is another company carrying out the subsidized works;
  • to the main supplier's subcontractor or to whoever has supplied the main supplier with the materials required to carry out the work;
  • employment agencies that supply staff to companies carrying out the subsidized works.


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