Renovations, energy-saving, furniture and gardens: also for 2019, the State continues to invest in building renovation but especially in energy-saving and earthquake safety. The big news is the possibility - already active since 2018, but perfected in this year - to give its tax credit to large companies, coming to recover up to 65% of the costs incurred: a possibility that has paved the way for the offers of the big energy for redevelopment condominium costs reduced. And the extensions throughout 2019 of the bonus expiring on December 31, 2018 confirm the trend of great attention to the renovation market, now a key driver of the construction industry. But also to the improvement of the quality of life in one's own home and the condominium in terms of healthiness and safety.
In 2019, the more traditional tax bonuses have also been confirmed: the 50% bonus for building renovation work, from extraordinary maintenance (including ordinary maintenance for condominiums) to the actual renovation, and the bonus for furniture purchased in conjunction with the work, to support the building and furnishing sector. Prolonged also the encouragement to gardeners and nurserymen: the maintenance of parks and private gardens benefit from the deduction from Irpef of 36% of the expenses incurred also in 2019, both by individuals and condominiums.
In this article, we will focus in particular on the bonus for home renovation and then deepen, in the article that we will publish in the coming days, the transfer of credit.
The Budget Law 2019 has extended until December 31, 2019 the Irpef deduction for building renovations that allows you to deduct 50% of expenses incurred until December 31, 2019 for renovation work carried out on homes and appliances, within the limit of 96 thousand euros. The extension to the whole of 2019 also concerns the deduction of 50% for the purchase of homes that are part of buildings entirely renovated by companies (deduction to be applied on 25% of the purchase price, again up to 96 thousand euros) and the deduction of 50% for the purchase or construction of boxes relevant to housing. From January 1, 2020 the deduction will be usable to the extent of 36% on an amount of expenditure not exceeding 48 thousand euro per property unit. This is the measure provided by Article 16-bis of Presidential Decree 917/86. The relief is available both for expenses relating to works carried out on individual property units, which for those carried out on common parts of the condominium and also includes the costs of design and professional services related to the execution of building works.
The tax deduction for restructuring point by point.
- The 50% deduction applies to building renovation works carried out on houses, appurtenances and common parts of condominiums
- The deduction applies to: the owner of the house or the holder of the right in rem of enjoyment; the holder; the family member living with these subjects
- Starting from January 1, 2018 it is necessary to send a special communication to Enea if the deduction for energy-saving intervention has been requested
- In the presence of continuation in 2019 of work begun in 2018, the maximum limit to which to commiserate the deduction for the two years cannot exceed 96 thousand euros
- The remaining deduction is transferred, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, to the natural person acquiring the property unit
- The deduction is subject to the urban regularity of the intervention taking into account the provisions of Presidential Decree 380/2001 and the municipal building regulations
- In the hypothesis in which the urban provision does not need to enable the work, a declaration instead of an affidavit is sufficient
- The interventions of recovery of the buildings of residential construction (extraordinary maintenance and also ordinary for the common spaces condominial, restoration-conservative rehabilitation and restructuring) are subject to VAT at the reduced rate of 10%, with the exception provided for the significant assets
- For the purchase of significant goods is made applicable to VAT at the rate of 10% only if together is also provided the labor for installation
- For the 50% deduction it is necessary to send a registered letter, before the start of work, to the local health authority responsible for the area
- Prolonged until December 31 the Irpef deduction of 36% for expenses incurred for green 12. Are deductible interventions of sound insulation: sound absorbing products and installation costs.